Interview Kerja? Confuse nak study apa?
Hi everyone!
So today, we gonna talk about........ nak study apa untuk interview kerja ni??
A lil bit of myself, I've went to few interview in government, and also in private sector in just 1 year??? Going to those interviews, main reason is to get some insights, knowledge and experience on all of these. What the differences between those two? Is big companies, their interview are much more easier, or much more difficult from other companies? Let's find that one out.
1. Difficulty level?
Either the two, the difficulty level depends on the type of business/companies/agencies that you currently will go for. There are no two different company have the same difficulty level. Sometimes, those big companies are much more easier when it comes to interview as compared to smaller companies, and the situation can go vice versa. I've went to smaller companies, and their interview questions are more tougher than those big companies I went for.
2. What to prepare?
Be yourself.
lalalala...Boring. 😂 You've may encountered with this sentence, "be yourself", but how to be yourself???? As for me, I'm quite the lazy one... I takde masa ok! (Actually ada je...tapi...hmmm....)...Sometimes, sebab I be myself, tak study apa2 pun. Main taram je pergi, sebab at that point of time, my main purpose is to get experience. Kalau tak pergi interview, how come you can experience it. It's part of training yourself too. Dapat tak dapat, tu lain cerita. Yang penting pergi dulu.
So, go a bit of the background of the institution that you will go for interview tomorrow... then, prepare with your resume, copies of certificates, and ensure all things are complete. If you're required to complete a form before going for the interview, then prepare that one.
Prepare awal2 ok. For girls, I usually pakai baju kurung je...senang cerita. And, this one tip I get waktu sekolah. Either pakai baju kurung plain, tudung pun plain jugak..or if nak pakai baju corak2, pakai baju corak bunga kecik2 je...jgn overcrowded sangat. Colour, pakai warna pastel....nampak soft sikit, but depends pada company and jawatan yang awak nak apply.
4. Kasut!
Sila pakai kasut bertutup, and ada heel sikit for girls. Nampak kemas and teratur sikit. Mohon jangan pakai flat, or pakai sneakers.
Lastly, tawakkal and doa banyak2. I always doa semoga Allah s.w.t. lembutkan hati para interviewer, permudahkan urusan I sebelum, semasa dan selepas interview, semoga interviewer tak tanya soalan susah2 dan apa yg dia tanya, saya dapat jawab dengan tenang dan jayanya. Doa itu penting ya kawan2...Jgn lupa!
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